Bail Assistance Request: Family/Friends Solicitud de asistencia de fianza: familiares/amigos

Due to the disproportionate impacts the criminal punishment system has on non-white and non-cisgender people and our limited funds, the bail fund will prioritize requests for people who are non-white and non-cisgender. Factors that we will additionally prioritize and consider include but are not limited to health factors, pregnancy, impending loss of job, housing or shelter bed, caretaking responsibilities, and potential separation of families.

We prefer to connect to the attorney before making a decision about posting bail. If you're unable to provide that information today, please send us an email using with that information as soon as possible.

It will likely take at least a week, possibly longer, for us to post someone bail; we cannot post immediately once we receive a request. Please do not submit more than one request per person. Please look for emails from and calls from (877) 622-6223 following up on this request.

All fields marked with * are required.

What is their TOTAL BAIL AMOUNT? (NOTE: this is the amount set by the judge, not the 10% fee or the amount being charged by a bondsman.) / ¿Cuál es el MONTO TOTAL DE FIANZA? (Nota: este es el monto fijado por el juez, no la tasa del 10% o el monto cobrado por un fiador.)

Cis -means the person identifies as the same gender they were assigned at birth.
/Cis- significa que la persona se identifica con el mismo género que le asignaron al nacer.

Please provide the name and contact information (both phone number and email address) for family members, friends, teachers, case-workers, religious leaders, or anyone else who is supporting this person. Please provide as many names and contact information as possible. / Por favor proporcione el nombre y la información de contacto (los dos: número de teléfono y correo electrónico) de los familiares, amigos, profesores, trabajadores del caso, líderes religiosos, o cualquiera que esté apoyando a esta persona. Por favor proporcione tantos nombres, números y correos electrónicos como le sea posible.

Are there risk factors to be aware of that create the conditions for extreme harm? Example risk factors include (but are not limited to): mental health, physical health (incl. pregnancy), or caretaking responsibilities. / ¿Hay algunos factores de riesgo, que generen condiciones de daño extremo porque este individuo está siendo detenido, de los que debemos estar informados? Ejemplos de factores de riesgo incluyen (pero no se limitan a): salud mental, salud física (incl. embarazo), o responsabilidades del cuidado de otras personas.

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By clicking "Submit", you agree to all of the conditions set forth in the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy